Joe Tree
A beautiful day to celebrate the first day of meteorological spring, it’s as if the weather can read the calendar here.
A good day to celebrate Joe Tree Day, thanks to him for sowing the seeds for this amazing site: a simple idea that has born fruit. In this troubled world our community is a beacon of light, an example of kindness and caring, full of positivity.
And thanks of course to all those who work in the background to keep Blip running so smoothly.
Bus into Otley, more spring plants from my plant man. He doesn’t offer anything rare or exotic but he is the cheapest for miles around.
Had a chat with my neighbour on my return home. She had a knee replacement three weeks ago. Good to talk with her as we see little of each other in the winter months.
Later this afternoon l am off to finally catch up with Conclave at Cottage Road Cinema. What with being ill , away or busy l have missed seeing it.
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