Joe Tree Day
In celebration of Blips founder, Joe Tree, I am posting this tree at the Park by the Lake. Why you may wonder am I posting a dead tree. Well it is far from dead. It stands like a sentinel watching over the doings in the park. You may not be able to see it but there are lines where the termites have formed tracks along it's branches and it is the home of many a parrot and possum. It has been created by the council (it was ringbarked) then trimmed of any dangerous falling limbs deliberately to form homes for wildlife and there are several more in the park. It is so important. I rather like its stark white trunk against the blue sky we have had today.
Joe, if you are reading this, thanks for sharing your brilliant idea of a place where you could post a photo a day. I think blip has really changed my life in many ways and I have met some wonderful blippers. It has made the world a much smaller place for me. I love the connections it gives you.
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