The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The names of the flowers: for Kirsty

My mother Kirsty taught me the names of the flowers. Snowdrop, crocus, japonica , daffodil, jonquil, primrose, grape hyacinth, and cowslip.

Later, she taught me some Latin names : lavandula oficinalis, mentha piperita, pelargoneum graveolens, because she was my aromatherapy tutor on my first taster course. She also had some 1990s wallpaper with botanical illustrations and Latin names, in her bathroom. Potentilla erecta was one of the flowers).

I received the call I’d been dreading this evening just after 7pm. Kirsty died at 6.45, never having regained consciousness after her heart attack on Tuesday. My brother and sisters had had the bishop in three times, guessing that that was what she’d want. I’m sad, and relieved that she didn’t linger in the twilight indefinitely, and in my heart I know that I’ve been anticipating the grief of this moment a long time. When her dementia took over, there was little left of her former personality, the one who knew the names of flowers, essential oils, composers, countries and pretty much everything. She was literally my teacher at the Montessori school in Dublin in the late 60s/early 70s, and later my aromatherapy tutor in 1990.

I can’t say much more right now, but Kirsty, safe onwards travels! You’ll be missed by so many.

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