
By JennyOwen


A morning walk with friends, part of the cycle of women's walks organised each month by lovely friend and former colleague J.
This one was an urban walk through Nether Edge, an area where formerly grand houses  built by businessmen in the Sheffield metal-working industries in the nineteenth century sit cheek by jowl with later developments.    Many of the houses have survived, either as apartments or whole dwellings; this one is gradually being engulfed by plants and trees, although someone is still living there. J had done her research on architectural trends and key historical figures, and we had a good time in the sunshine, finishing with a pub lunch.
The day ends, however, with news of President Zelenskyy's visit to the US White House. It's hard to find words to describe how awful a spectacle this has been. Two plump bullies in suits doing their best to belittle and humiliate a brave and principled man. I've admired Zelenskyy from the start; I admire him still more now, for standing his ground - and also for walking away. I don't think there was ever a realistic prospect of a plan or an agreement that Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians could have trusted.  As for what may happen next... all this will embolden Putin even more.

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