
By biddy

Solar powered light.18:40.

A birthday gift from some friends along with a group of four others which I placed in the flowers borders,
We have had wall to wall bright sunshine today from dawn to dusk.
I went out into the middle of the garden around 19:30 last night to see if I could see any of the 7 planets which are currently aligned this week.
Venus is spectacularly bright over the western horizon and is clearly visible. I then looked to the top right of the Orion constellation and Jupiter is brightly visible. Mars is not as bright but you can see the faint redness. It can be seen to the left of Orion but higher, So if you take a fairly straight path from Jupiter over the top of Orion it is visible,
I was entranced last night. And have just been outside again to gaze at them in the clear coldness,
It is going to be a frosty night.
The forecast is now for several days with sunshine!
I spent the first part of the morning feeding the roses with granular feed and hoeing it in around the roots.
Also again using the hoe to take out some shallow weeds, surrounded once again by birdsong.
Very early this morning as I lay in bed I was listening to an owl hooting in the stillness, from amongst the trees in the school grounds.
It is such an unmistakable sound.
February is ending on a burst of Spring,

(I’ve included a screenshot of a new App I have on my phone which identifies stars and constellations. It is a photo I took in the garden along with the main one.You can see the dark outline of our house roof) Other extra is Venus shining in the Western sky at dusk

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