
By LadyFindhorn

Chimneys and Blue Skies

Thirty chimneys on West Crosscauseway and not a wisp of smoke from any of them on a day of sunshine and blue skies. It was cold to start with but the sunshine is much stronger now and it felt very comfortable to be out and about.

Also out and about were two of my oldest friends up from Kelso on a bus carrying members of u3a for a museum visit. I got the distinct impression that most of the travellers were more interested things outwith the walls of the museum and so I met my friends at Söderberg were we lunched handsomely on Swedish meat balls, Serrano ham and eggs.

It must have been about 10years since we last met and it was a jolly meeting today catching up on our respective families. They left to catch their bus home as I left for my TGIF drinks with the neighbours.
I hope no one on their bus asked what they thought of the museum.

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