
By Incredibish

Farewell February!

A day full of work in the garden, to the point I kind of forgot about blip... so as the Sun settles over the back of the garden, I pushed a few sliders as far as - ok, far more than is reasonable... 

This dunnock was singing its heart out, and I could either take a picture of the dunnock or of the sunset... so I took both and merged them. Doesn't look real, but then again as Zaphod reality is over-rated, and nowadays ever more so.

Had a call from family worried about the now public imminent cessation of Skype. What to do...? Mum has FaceTime but does she know how to use it...? It's a long journey to go and drop Zoom on her iMac... and how to message without a smartphone... who else is on Signal already?

I've used Skype for more than twenty years, albeit now only with mum. Before that it was ICQ, but that folded last summer. I guess I'll FaceTime her tonight.

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