
By Farmerboab

Noughts and crosses…..

A wee rodeo in the morning to bring the spring calving cows next door down to the steading to get their fluke wormer dose. When we were walking them back up the hill I spotted these two vapour trails crossing each other .
An afternoon spent sorting through heifers for Brian from Border Livestock to have a look at. He had his assistant Katie with him today. There are 48 to sell in 2 different lots, so I will see if he can find a buyer farm to farm rather than going to the mart. The advantage is his commission is 2.5% compared to the mart at 4.15%. Also the buyer pays the haulage , not me.
The only down side is putting a value on them without having different folk bidding for them. But I think by now I should have a pretty good idea what they are worth.
We shall see what happens ……

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