The Scottish Play
On Sunday evening I went along for a play read-through/audition for a production of The Scottish Play - no, I’m invoking the theatrical superstition of not saying ‘Macbeth’, it really is called The Scottish Play!
Around Panto-time, I had loudly declared that it wasn’t for me and that it was at a terrible time of year etc. etc., but I could not get the play out of my head, and found myself reading and re-reading it, realising - with no pride whatsoever - that I identified with lead character (a self-obsessed, preening, pretentious arse) a disturbing amount.
I also had a couple of large glasses of wine with Samm in the run up to it and she made me do it we agreed that whilst we both had our own ideas about the play, it was more important to hear what the Director’s ideas were and actually hear the lines read out loud.
I’m really glad that I did go to the read through, because a) it was so nice being back amongst the panto gang b) the play is funnier than the words on the page and I’d missed a lot of the nuance c) the director; N, has a really clear vision of what he wants and is so passionate about it and d) I really love being in a play and performing.
I was delighted then when I got the nod to play the role of said self-obsessed, preening arse and not a little nervous of the 450+ lines I need to learn!! I pondered all this as I took in an evening wander for some supplies.
Samm is in as Lynne (the wife of my character) and I was really chuffed for my sister who also got a part - her first role since moving to the North a couple of years ago!
There’s a lot of work to do, but it should be fun and keep me out of mischief……..for a little while at least.
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