The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Good Game!

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The Prince and I headed up to Banchory today which means another exciting round of ‘Which one would keep?’* The look of excitement on The Prince’s face when I start asking the questions is hard to describe but I’d probably go for somewhere between a grimace and weary resignation!

Just in case you feel like you’re missing out:

Q: Cheese or wine?
A: Cheese.

Q: Baked potatoes or sausage rolls?
A: Baked potatoes

Q: Rugby or all other sport?
A: All other sport

Q: Cycling or walking?
A: Walking

Q: Kissing or hugging?
A: Hugging

We also played a game of ‘Horse’. I was winning until an unfortunate incident where the horses turned out to be sheep!

Bet you wish you’d been on our road trip!


*If you could only have one for the rest of your life

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