A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Yesterday's copper arboriculture ended up with a need for some more microbore pipe.  

The dodgy* gas fire that we inherited with the house had been cut off and isolated immediately on our arrival, but it did still have a length of feed pipe, and some internal pipework.

Cue dismantling a gas fire to make more tree...

* The gas engineer's thoughts were that the two gas fires we had were 'bespoke' ones from the 1970s as he was aware of several in the area that had been made by a one-man company back in the day when that was apparently legal.  The daftness was that in one case he could declare it safe, but not compliant.  In the other case, as it had been turned off at the tap underneath the fire, it would be illegal to turn the gas back on to a non-compliant fire.

(The whole thing was moot months later as that entire gas circuit was disconnected when we put the new boiler in).

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