Cold and frosty start
to another beautiful day! As well as the frost there was a rolling fog above the St Ives Estate so the trees were appearing and disappearing as it moved around.
Here beyond the trough of Iris you can see the frosted back garden. The lawn to the right of the bird bath has had sufficient early sun to melt the frost but to the left and rear it still has its white frosting.
It has been sufficiently calm to now put the flower trough up on the kitchen window ledge. They looked lovely yesterday in the afternoon sun but the photographs I took had too much reflection of me and the kitchen interior.
You can see most are now in bloom and there are two blue unknown blooms amongst the lovey purple D J Djit.
This is my offering for flower Friday this week but in the extra you can see the lovely blousy tulips I’ve been enjoying indoors.
Been up to The Tittle Tattle T Shop for the monthly discussion.
Not many there but an interesting discussion on the subject of ‘Peace at any price?’
I think you can imagine some of the people who came up!
I returned a jigsaw I picked up a couple of weeks ago, I’ve done all but one of them now!
March tomorrow and the start of Meteorological Spring.
I wore my daffodil blouse today to welcome it (with a wool vest underneath!) We are heading in the right direction!
Happy weekend.
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