The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

60 Years Young...

It's E's birthday today...I got him the cake that he likes....not my favorite (but everybody loved it), but hey... it's not my birthday... 

A huge thanks for everyone who did join the DerelictWeek challenge last week! You guys are awesome too keep up the challenge. ...So as promised the results for the DerelictSunday challenge...I am happy to see that some of you really do think outside the Derelict box... Just Blip and don't hesitate... 
Hearts go to: 
ApolloFly (a little house on the prairie) 
Brianblip (no colour necessary, the blue doors are awesome)
AngelsShare (an abandoned teapot, surrounded by mother nature's lace)
KathyH58  (Two victims of time and rust)
Freuchie (appealing to the eye)
Fuentes3 (An impressive place)
BobsBlips (Needs some TLC)
movableparts (Beautiful door, I would love to have it in our shed)

Honourable Mentions:
Kwtracey (what a great find)
Rmeinz (wonderful derelict)
carol_dunham (as if a tooth is sticking out of the sand)
Talpa (Rustic)
Tweedy (a sad sight to see an hospital that's abandoned)
libeccio (That has seen better days)
inukshukne (let's hope the jackdaws can stay)
davidc (Definitely an ugly mess)

This weeks tag is #DS443 and still goes on till Sunday the 2nd of March at midnight.. 
And now go out a look for some dereliction...stay healthy and safe...Xx 

Many thanks for all the lovely comments and wonderful stars on my yesterdays blip xxx

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