Sometimes I don’t feel tired at bedtime, and yet I can sleep during the afternoon and evening - and last night was one of those nights. Mr. HCB had gone up to bed at about 11 o’clock, after listening to the News, but I wasn’t that tired, so I did some commenting and then noticed one of the tulips in the bunch I had brought home from the Community Fridge last week, was just at the right point for a photograph - the sort I like! So at 12.30 I took this shot and here it is for its 15 minutes of fame on Blip, looking, I might add, rather good in its decaying beauty.
I then decided to do another little job on the computer. A, one of the daughters of the Spanish couple we visit with a Bag of Hope is 2 years old next week; I had bought a book for her entitled “1 2 3 of THANKFULNESS” but as she is only 2 I thought that it might be a good idea to translate it into Spanish - so thank goodness for good old Google Translate and it now says on the front of the book “1 2 3 de AGRADECIMIENTO”. It wasn’t a long job, because there weren’t too many pages but before I knew it, the time had rushed on and it was 1 o’clock!
By the time I got upstairs to bed, it was 1.20 a.m. and I see from my watch that I only slept for 5 hours 49 minutes. I guess the watch knows how long I am awake because I fidget whilst I am trying to find a comfortable position - so I was awake for 36 minutes, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) was 1 hour 4 minutes, Core 4 hours 19 minutes and Deep Sleep only 26 minutes. I often hear Mr. HCB creeping out of the bedroom, and he usually shuts the door - when I eventually came downstairs, he said he had got up at 5.00 a.m. to have his antibiotic tablet, then came back to bed for an hour, but was up again by 6.30 a.m.
I helped Mr. HCB wash his hair in the shower - and he said it feels much better now - not having been washed for almost two weeks - so we are getting there!
I have just sorted out the various “sub-titles”, and stuck them on the appropriate pages - see extra - which is applicable for Flower Friday, then I am going to pop out and buy a little birthday cake for A so that we can take it round with the Bag of Hope to be delivered to them in the next day or so. I did ask if there was anything else they needed and apart from “diapers” for the little one, they asked if I could find a bicycle - so have put a notice on our Church FB page - you never know, someone might have a bicycle lurking in the back of their shed that they want to get rid of!
It’s a lovely sunny day here, so hope it stays that way for the weekend. Hope you all have a good weekend.
With love and thanks for your kindness and concern for both of us, from Mr. & Mrs. HCB xx
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