
By TMac

Day 32

Day 32 of my Gratitude/Walk/Photo Challenge. 

Bit of a disappointing way to finish my first month tbh.

Grateful today for the NHS staff that keep turning up for work and doing their best despite the odds. I was visiting an elderly friend who has been in hospital for 6 weeks. She only has praise for the care she's receiving, and sitting with her this afternoon, I saw it in action. A cheery young nurse made us both tea and brought us two plates and a knife so we could share the pastry I'd brought. We had a wee tea party and giggled when we realised that the raspberries had stained the bedding making it look like there had been a deadly incident! Our admission was met with humour. Perhaps, we could all take time this week to thank a member of NHS staff. I doubt they hear it enough. 

Walking due to swollen knee was merely car park - hospital - ward and back. It's a reasonable hike so possibly a mile. I think this brings my first month's total to 78 miles or so...

Photo of a section of a piece of glass art I always admire on my way to visit my friend. 

Anyone want to share their Gratitude/Walk/Photo from today to cheer me up?

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