
By TMac

Day 37

Day 37

Today, I am grateful for thrawness/determination/grit/(whisper it - resilience).
I am grateful for examples of the tenacity of the human spirit, and value it above many other oft-quoted attributes, including "courage" which is often mis-used in my opinion. 
And today, I, for once, was grateful for my own inner determination. On Wednesday, I barely managed 50% of my yoga class. I spent much of it in tears and in pretty awful pain. I felt utterly broken.
Today, thanks to some new magic medicine, I fought the urge to stay in bed, resisted contemplating the possibility of disappointment, and turned up on my mat.
I managed 100% of the class. No tears. A wee bit of swearing under my breath (no Tracy Chan class is ever complete without that!). The pain was there but my levels were such that I breathed through them.
As I walked out of the hall, I was grateful for that inner thrawness that keeps me going when it would be easier to give up/in (and sometimes I do give up/in).
I then spent two hours having brunch and chatting with an absolutely amazing woman who epitomises determination and grit (personally, I hate the word "resilience"). She fractured her pelvis in a horrible cycling accident in November. When I last saw her, she couldn't walk without a walker and was on heavy pain medications. In the past few weeks, she's got back in her kayak, got out on the sea in conditions I would shirk at, and looks flipping amazing. 
There are people all around us dealing with grim stuff every day. They often don't share what they're going through, but they grit their teeth and push on.
We should all be grateful for that inner thrawness/determination that gets us through in difficult times...

No walk today...have you looked outside??☔️

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