
By rainie


Thanks for your caring comments from yesterday - Smooch flew through the window around 4am full of the joys of living, very extremely smoochy and that has continued for much of the day.  I was a very happy camper to have him home.  He has an abrasion/cut on his back leg but doesn't look too bad.  Applied antisceptic cream on it.  Must have had a squabble with another feline, or got himself in a tangle somewhere.  I'd love to know where he had been though.  
Blip is him snuggled on my knee early this morning, he's done a lot of sleeping since, but did come and keep me company in the garden this afternoon for a time.
Well, I've done the mono month, go me !!  I'm looking forward to a blipmeet with Skeena (the mono month culprit) in March….golly gosh, that’s tomorrow!
Have a great weekend friends.

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