
By earthdreamer

Dobson Locks

I found a good weather window for my last long training run before the marathon in just over two weeks. I've had a bit of calf tightness since a speed session on Monday, which was providing for a bit of anxiety, but I stretched it out well and, although I could feel it for the first few miles, it soon disappeared. I was aiming to run 20 miles, getting the train to Crossflatts and then running along the canal all the way to Leeds, which was 17 miles, where I would decide whether to do another three or not. I was going well enough so I pushed on, although it was at that point that the legs fell off a bit, getting more creaky than the usual crampy. I was happy enough to gently jog those last few. For the record, it was exactly 20 miles in 3.04. If I can replicate that on the day, I just need to keep that jogging pace up for another 6 miles to get my qualifying time. It was a good confidence booster, despite being able to barely raise more than a fast walk up the hill from the station to get back home. Now to look after the body and not do too much more. 

Only stopped three times for a gel and some water and a quick photo opportunity. The towpath is quite steep beside the locks and I was impressed with this guy weaving himself up one-handed while reading something on his phone. I'm not sure I could do that! 

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