Book worm .
A play date with Freya , this was a quiet moment in a busy day . On other news , Bramble visited the vets , we visited the greenhouse project
( sphagnum moss was gathered on the moors this morning and then planted out in the greenhouse this afternoon) The growing of sphagnum is going to be a long term project.
Arthur was picked up from school and came for tea. He read non stop , finding all the latest offerings ( procured from St Annes charity shops )
Along the way today we bumped into several lovely people that are acquaintances rather than friends and they each poured a bit of sunshine into our day . And then to round the day off we had a video call with a group of friends that we travel with and a couple of Blip friends who are helping us plan a visit to the Alentejo region of Portugal. What a fun way to end the day . Some of you , at least, will know of whom I speak !
Now for a glass of red ( sadly not Portuguese) wine to celebrate the end of our working week !
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