
By JennyOwen

Playmobil magic

Richard was up at 5 and off to the Birkenhead-Belfast ferry, for a visit to his sister and extended family in Larne. I don't usually manage to get back to sleep after these early wakings, but thankfully this morning I did.
It's been a good day. I met up with Jean in the morning, a very old and dear friend.  We had a good walk at Longshaw, finishing with lunch in the cafe. After the long weeks of virus and subsequent chest infection and generally feeling wiped out, it's been great to get out for an actual walk - esp as the sun shone.
Later I met Frieda from school and we spent a contented hour or so in the land of Playmobil, followed by pizza for tea :-)
The day has finished with a Zoom visit to this month's constituency Labour Party meeting. I don't get to LP meetings often at all, but tonight's included a long slot for discussion of foreign policy, particularly in the light of what's happening in the US.  So it felt like a good one to prioritise. There were no decisions being made, just a sharing of thoughts, interpretations and fears. Most of us supported the LP decision to increase defence spending - though with sadness;  but most also felt opposed to the raiding of the international development budget to achieve it.  Our local MP is very much in tune with those views and will do what she can, with others, to argue for a better way forward.

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