
By kevinmcc

Why did the chicken cross the road...

In this case, on a skateboard?

Meet Andreas, a very creative 13 year old, who dresses up in a chicken suit once or twice a week, and proceeds to skateboard around the streets and sidewalks of West Seattle.

I asked him why???, and he did not have a real good answer. Evidently, to provoke reaction and thought from passersby. He got MY attention :)

So what kind of responses does he get, I asked him? His answer was "lots of horn honks and thumbs up from passing motorists." He went on to mention the "kids" that remark - "look! - it's a chicken on a skateboard."

Thank you for the interview and image Andreas! You brought a smile to my face, and probably the same for a lot of my readers, around the globe. Happy boarding!

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