
By hazelh

Back to the optician

When I woke myself up sneezing at 3:35am, I feared that I had succumbed to the lurgy that is doing the rounds at the moment. I tried, but failed, to get back to sleep after an hour and half of trying. So then I decided that I might as well get up and get on with reading my library book due back today (Eight mountains by Paolo Cognetti). 

By 8:00am, however, I appeared to be cured! I went to see the optician for my follow-up cataract appointment as planned (where I blipped), returned home and lay back down on Mummy hazelh's chair (for the last time) to finish the book, ate my lunch, then walked to the library and popped into a couple of charity shops with Mr hazelh - all without a single sniff. 

The afternoon took a bit of a dip when Mr hazelh and I struggled to disassemble Mummy hazelh's chair to load it into the car and transport to Newcastle tomorrow. It took us ages to detach the back, even though the man in the shop told us over the phone that this is a very easy task. Anyway, it's done now and we are grateful. Here's hoping that reassembling the chair at the care home tomorrow will be less of a trauma. 

I worked for the rest of the day. First I returned to the slide deck for our presentation next month, adding some images that Bruce sent to me. Then I picked up the journal article that I am editing for Rachel. The latter is turning out to be a much bigger job than I anticipated.

I'm not sure how long I will last tonight on so little sleep, but we'll see. I'd quite like to watch The apprentice 'live'.

Exercise today: walking (10,573 steps).

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