
By Instography


If I'd have been paying attention I'd have gone for the level 6 gloves but it wasn't too bad. But having given the knee a few weeks on the electric bike I thought it was maybe time to try it on the analogue bike so I dragged it out of the garage expecting to spend an hour or so getting it sorted but apart from two flat tyres it was fine. But riding it was weird. It feels incredibly light and I couldn't remember how clicky gears work. I think I might take it somewhere flat next week to get used to it.

Other than that some time in the garden weeding and preparing one of the beds, some cooking - a big pot of meatballs - for the freezer and, just for fun, dismantled a mobile phone that Ewan had found smashed on the road. Interesting to take apart and practice desoldering tiny components. Just as well it was something that didn't matter. But a nice big battery to salvage.

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