Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Contrasting planes of reason..

Pearl my tree...

Foo Fighters......No way back....

While I stood at the bridge, the sound of traffic in the distance, birds flew across the tranquil scene in front of me. Dipping and diving to catch the early, yet still dozy, flys, they made entrancing shapes in the cool air. After the rain of last night the air is more Autumnal, still and clean, scented with wet earth and fragrances of change.

As my music hummed in my ears and the joy that it brought ran along my veins, I stood in peace.

To seek out tranquility and harness its power, to have passion flowing through you in heavy guitars and drums, duality, discordant harmony, paradox and reason, call it what you will.......

Another day....

In another way.....

Lets see what it has to say for itself!

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