Busy Day
I took late photos of Cory and thought I’d post one of them. Then I thought about what I was doing today. I gathered my tax stuff and delivered it to the tax professional. Did some shopping. And I took a very close look at the classes coming up in August at Art Camp. I plan to attend Week 2 but hadn’t decided what to take yet. I was sorely tempted by the improv class, but decided not to because of the high level of energy I’d need for that class. Several others looked good. I finally chose the abstract class. Sign up is next week. I can highly recommend this experience. I’ve been a bunch of times. It’s summer camp for artists. The folks there are terrific. You take one class Monday - Friday from 9 to 4 with a lunch break. On Friday evening everyone walks around to see the work the artists have all done. PS: Trish Harding is my teacher here in Bellingham. She’s great. In fact all the classes I’ve taken had great teachers. PPS: Menucha is about an hour from Portland, OR.
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