
By Thepainterswife

Mr Bird Man

Tuesday..warm and sunny

Blipfoto is fun and keeps you on your toes.

I find most days a photo just seems to happen, as it did today.

It was coming to mid afternoon and I did think " what will I do for my blip later?" when I drove along the road and came across a huge gathering of Seagulls on the riverbank, which was a rather strange sight at the spot. Next minute a car pulls up coming from the opposite direction, a man gets out and starts feeding the birds!
The birds go beserk, other people stop and watch, and there must be about 200 birds by now.
It all happens in about 5 minutes!
I stop and take as many photos on my iphone as I can, ask the man what he is up to, find out that he comes down to this spot at the same time each day, and gradually the number of birds is increasing and the birds seem to recognize his car!

It is over as quick as it begins!

My blip for the day. (and my photo doesn't do justice to the number of birds of the mass fluttering of wings that was going on!)

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