The back of the garden
The "composting area" of our garden as large as some urban gardens. When we moved in, it was overgrown with trees, and the only stuff composted there was grass clippings. Brendan cut down the trees the first time he cut our hedges, and Joe pulled up the stumps during the time he was building the pond.
Now there's a huge pile of wood chips from the hedges that have been removed. W has been trying to get the area organised, and at last the first of the compost bins built from pallets has been created. More pallets are ready, to make the next one. There's also a pile of well rotted horse manure.
To the far right is a plastic, ready made, compost bin, and a cage for rotting leaf mold. Not seen in the photo are the multiple plastic bags containing many more collected leaves.
The green leaves sprouting up at the front left of the wood chipping pile is a patch of montbretia (crocosmia) - the variety that grows rampantly and has turned feral in Ireland, and which W despises.
After a fine morning, during which W made good progress in the garden, shortly after I took this photo, as we were enjoying a cuppa, the weather turned wet again.
In extras, my progress was indoor.
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