
By ZE1Christie

Orange Moss Spores

A beautiful sunny day, all day.  A light gentle breeze, much the same this evening. 

I've been working with Philip and John again today.  Black bag waste around Lerwick before morning break, then headed out to Scalloway.  There's been extremely heavy loads.  Walkies with Sammy after work.  Last shift in the shop for the week, and a standard busy night.  Early to bed tonight. 

It was superb to have such a lovely day, t-shirt weather most of the day.  By the time I got home, it was still beautiful, but the air had fairly cooled, or maybe not worked up quite the same heat as black bag throwing.  As we came along the road, this stunning orange glow appeared on the old wall.  The moss spores were fairly catching the late afternoon light, I never think on how pretty moss can actually be.  Note Sammy on the pavement.  Taken along New Road, Scalloway. 

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