Adam's Images

By ajt

Unexpected reflections

After work I took the dog to the hippodrome and there was an usually large number of rabbits at the first end - thankfully for the rabbits the dog went in the wrong direction and they had plenty of time to escape.

The same can be said about the other end, again a lot of rabbits but the dog isn't a sight hound so they all got away unharmed.

Between the two ends I decided to take a picture of the new college building across the road from the hippodrome that was reflected in the little lake - the lights were on and with no wind the water's surface was very still and the reflection was pretty good.

I took my first picture (here) and then a second (not loaded here) from further around when I noticed a ripple messing with my reflection, and a large animal had jumped into the water and was swimming across the causing ripples. I assumed it was a coypu (Myocastor coypus) rather than an otter or mink as it was too short and round.

It's only when I got home and I looked at my pictures that I realised that there was a whole family of them on the other side of the lake and they were in fact in my first picture (the blip here). There are moorhens and gulls here normally, but even in the dark the do look different - not surprising as a coypu can get up to 9 kg..

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