View Inside and Out

Temperature +2. Cloudy, very foggy. Moderate wind from the South.

Cooking soup, in a quick and very easy way. Using mainly frozen foodstuff, vegetables and fish. I usually cook from fresh ingredients, more healthy and tasty of course, but this will do when it's needed. And it's not a bad alternative at all.

I vacillated between going out and not going. I didn't. It was too late in the afternoon already to that. Instead I took a picture of the window view in the living room. Fogginess out. Inside two plants, Aloe (not Vera) and Orchid. This Orchid is the first that begun to flower in my care. It started to make a flower stalk quite soon after it was taken to this temporary apartment from our previous, permanent home. Not very many flowers, but a good start however :)   (  Don't mind the dirty window :))    )

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