
By blowfish


My photoshoot this morning with Melissa was canceled due to her daughter being ill. I was able to get more reading in though. Today's book was Mieke Bal's collection of essays Looking In: The Art of Viewing. I'd read the piece before on Proust but her methods of 'applying' narratology theory to visual narratives like painting, photography, and film was more accessible than I remember it being. Still need to compile my notes on this and add it to the binder.

Tomorrow I head in to campus for the first time in a few months. While it's been nice being away, of course, it will also be nice meeting up with Tiger tomorrow, for both GSA-related items and just coffee and conversation. After that, I have to work on my syllabus for my composition class I'm teaching which begins in about two weeks.

Leah and I went downstairs for gelato and to pick up a birthday gift for Tiger. But our little gelato store has a bunch of games. I lost three in a row at Connect Four. I am really bad at that game, which makes sense because I am also bad at planning, thinking ahead, learning to deal when things don't go as predicted. I need to play more things like Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. That, I could win at because it involves nothing but remembering quotes and minute details from old science fiction films.

Blip 900.

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