Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The Denby Dale Pie Hall...

...first opened its doors on September 5th 1972. It started with the Pie Committee having a vision of creating a village hall, one for the community where events and special occasions could be held and of course to commemorate the traditions of the famous Denby Dale Pies and have space to exhibit pie memorabilia.

The village is well-known for its record-breaking pies - see the history here if you are interested ;) 
We don't mention the riot and collapse of the stage - and pie - in 1846, which, as you will know, was to celebrate the repeal of the Corn Laws...
And we'll skirt over the pie for the Golden Jubilee of 1887, which was off...

The last pie to date was to celebrate the Millennium - and was the biggest one yet!
The Pie was a staggering 40ft long, by 9ft wide, by 3ft deep and weighed in at an incredible 12 tons. Over the course of the event 22,000 were served. 
'elf has probably put paid to future monster pies, as it is so difficult to monitor the temperature of the interior ;( 

An interesting building, no?  ;)

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