East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber


I have been very slack with my blipping lately but I have had a few things that have been distracting. The most distracting being finding out that I had some nasty skin cancers on my face that needed removing. I went to get a mole on my back checked - it is apparently ok but the doctor noticed two tiny little things on my face that needed checking out! Anyway the outcome is I have been to a plactic surgeon in Brisbane and been sliced and diced, have a couple of scars, one will be ok but the other one is quite a fright at this stage, although they tell me it will be ok when things settle down.
I am going up to Brisbane and get the stitches out tomorrow so will know more then.
Meanwhile I am staying out of the sun till things settle down so will probably give blipping a miss for a while, although I will still be checking out all your photos once things settle down.
This is the payback for a youth spent sunbaking in our harsh sunlight I guess, although since my twenties I have always worn sunscreen - so am still a bit shell shocked at the moment.

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