Perth Oval
I’m always so happy when I find out that not everything gets knocked down and demolished when new developments take place. These are the original entry gates to the Perth Oval. The oval was a huge part of my life when I was a little girl. My grandad (Mum’s father) was the Curator (Greenkeeper) of the oval for 25 years until he retired. We used to visit Nanna and Grandad regularly, often staying overnight In the wonderful old Federation House that they rented. I have added an extra which is an image I took of a framed photo I have. They had the first level of the home and a dear old fellow used to live on the second floor. Sadly, the house did not have a happy ending and all that is in its place now is a grassy patch. We used to feel very smug being able to go through the back gate and watch the football matches without having to pay :). I’m hoping BobsBlip will think this qualifies for his Wide Wednesday challenge today which is “Interesting Buildings” :))
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