A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Morning Watch

The not-so-good thing about being home all day, is the limited choice of photographic subject matter.

So Bruno has to stand in once again.

In other news, back in 2020, when the Covid pandemic was spreading through the world like a 21st century plague, the Department of Social Security made payments to self-employed persons like me to help us through when our income had dipped to nearly zero.

Very decent of them. Saved our lives, as I would not have been able to pay my rent.

But now, five years later, they have decided the payment was a loan, not a gift after all, and please could they have it back? Ja! Or else pay a 20% penalty too.

This has come as rather a blow. I hope they will let me pay it poco a poco.

I always knew there was no such thing as a free lunch.

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