Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc


Another backblip

Woke to a forecast worse than yesterday's and T's symptoms in full flow.  Having just been through it, I have complete sympathy for the poor guy.

So we cut our losses and left the coast a couple days early (departure, extra).  The drive back to Portland not too bad until we got close in to town on the I-26.  T went straight to bed when we got in.  I couldn't settle to anything, too tired to concentrate on much but too unsettled to rest, so I organized a kitchen cupboard that'd been annoying me and started a new audio book (Lark & Termite by Jayne Anne Phillips).  Later when T surfaced we bopped out to get a takeout from a Thai place, delicious flavors needed when one is feeling jaded.

Later as we were zoning out in front of the TV there was a text from my neighbor in RWC, gearing myself up for the worst, as texts at that time of night bring, but I was wrong it was instead a lovely thing:

You will not believe this. I took dog out about 7:00 pm tonight and the two barn owls were flying around one of the trees in the park across from your place. What a sight.

I was thrilled, it gave me such a boost to read that.  I hope I get to witness them myself when I get back.

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