
By helenann

Snowdrop finale

It has been a lovely sunny day. We cycled to Hursley village ( about three miles) to meet six other members of our local wildlife group, for lunch at the pub, and to talk about our group's activities over the coming year, when we will be celebrating twenty years since the group was founded.
The food was good and we had some very useful conversation.(I was glad I had prepared a short agenda, to help keep us on track!) 
As we cycled home we stopped a few times  to admire some clumps  of beautiful snowdrops along Port Lane, and to obtain a blip picture. The snowdrops are almost at the end of their  flowering season here, but there are Celandines and Primroses beginning to take their place.

This evening, we looked for the planetary alignment, to be seen for the next few nights, only. We spotted Venus, Jupiter and Mars quite easily. We must look a bit earlier tomorrow, or Thursday, soon after sunset, to see one or two of the other planets.    

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