
3years 285days

Really strong friendships have been formed in this short time away. Katie, Boo, Bear, Bean and Bash all adore each other. Bash has a baby-crush on Katie. I think Katie has quite a soft spot for Bean. They all spent a lot of time playing in the tent together this morning. The three big kids sat nattering over apples in the folded bedding as we started pack down. They played in the trees, they bounced a few more bounces on the trampoline. They took turns in each other's slings for big snuggles. They all took great delight in jumping on the folded tent to help squash the air out. Even packing up camp, a huge amount of fun was had. So many smiles and so much laughter this weekend.

We managed to fit in a flying stop to Catherine and trudi for a play in their hotel playground and a coffee all together. Plus of course a few photos. We arrived home at bedtime and were both glad to be home. But boy do we want to get our next camping trip scheduled- really, truly, a very special weekend with very special people.

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