
By jennym999

Star of Bethlehem

This morning I went to RHS Wisley to see the spring bulbs. A friend wanted to meet me there as she is not a member . When I arrived ( 5 mins early) I rang her to check if she was already there and was very annoyed to find that she had missed the turning into Wisley twice from the A3 and was heading home on the M25.  I would not have gone myself today but she was keen…I thought. I did have a walk around and will return in a week or too as very few daffodils out yet and the crocuses not in full bloom but lots of snowdrops of different varieties. I think I will go with a different friend next time!

The photo is one of the plants in the alpine house…I always like looking in there as they change the pots according to what is flowering at the time. There were also some nice smelling orchids in the small section off the big glasshouse.

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