Another Day

By BlackTulip

More wildlife etc

More walking the promenade and generally observing life, followed by relaxation and a book by the pool.

The staff at the hotel are all local and speak several languages.  As it is mainly a tourist island I expect they are all taught languages from an early age.  I will enquire more.

Extras added and a couple of corrections made to yesterday’s images.  As NickyR pointed out, the white bird is an egret not an ibis, which I did know but my fingers didn’t.  Also the curlew is a whimbrel.

The main image shows a whimbrel searching for nesting material.  The last image is of a guy we’ve seen running or walking the two mile promenade every day.  I have no idea how many circuits he does but he’s doing it barefoot and possibly he’s a marathon runner in training.

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