
By MumOf4Wildlings


This Jedi causes me more stress than any of my wildlings.  When at the docs yesterday I said he had passed urine once in 24 hours despite the fact he's still taking fluids. This morning while at work I called again for them to update their records as he hadn't passed urine since about 12pm yesterday.  Well the doc called me back and told me I had to take him to hospital as it was nearly 24hours since he had passed any. He did pass a little amount while we were there. And they said because he's still taking fluids I've just to keep a eye on him. But if it keeps happening I have to take him back. 

I'm glad my work didn't mind me leaving after only being there a short while. 

Thanks to those that have sponsored me. 

I'm going a run later when I get Mr R from work. I will do a route home. Probably only 5miles as it will be a later bedtime for the wildlings by the time I get home and get them organised.  

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