
By mambo

A Little Seedy

Decided not to go to ballet.
The norovirus and bad cold two weeks ago have left me still feeling a little depleted.
Of course going to Paris , then London and on the go all the time hasn’t helped but there was no way l was cancelling that.
Have needed a couple of low key days.

Got my bedding washed and on the line.
Needed to go into Otley for a couple of errands and even though there was a shower of rain there it had not reached my garden so l could bring the washing in dry.

Have been having trouble with my TV since December and despite getting a new box and cables sent from BT l can’t master the problem.
Even filmed myself putting the cables in the correct portals to no avail.
Eventually BT have sent me a second new box , saying lots of people were having trouble with the old one. So have been today to get a local firm to come out and set it up for me . £60 against £125 from BT.

While in Otley I bought some items for my garden from the very good plant man there.
Called at Waitrose for some essentials, mainly fruit, the usual fruit and vegetable stall in the market wasn’t there today.

The seed head must be about three years old and l see it still has some seeds to disperse, l keep finding them in my carpet.

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