A little joy

This little double headed daffi (a prezzy for Cathie) puts a little smile on my face each time I see it.

Today, school was back in and strangely it seemed a relief as I drove to work. Something else to take my mind and energy perhaps …. or perhaps it was just that it was lovely and light driving into work.
And remained a lovely day. We enjoyed a spot of ‘cricket’ this afternoon.
This evening it was walking the dogs in the dark again but they had their pretty light up harnesses which pleased me!

I’m writing this entry very late (actually very early Tuesday morning) but I haven’t been able to sleep for thinking of things I could do to help mom and ended up ordering a couple more things - a diary being one of them- and then finding photos to put in her diary to remind her what she’s done.
You never know, it might help, if she chooses to look at it!

And I REALLY need to get Jodie’s ‘food drawers’ labelled. She had at least three meals today (a change from my suspicion that she was missing meals!) and possibly more since I found the measuring cup out! Haha! I’ve now ‘hidden’ the bag of food!

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