If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Robin feeding on fat block

A day busy at home with various odds and ends.  Rain pouring down all day.  Until recently I haven't been feeding fats to the birds.  Then I discovered a fat block holder from tears ago so I decided to bring it out of retirement. Of the birds using the feeder the Robin is the most keen.  That surprises me as they aren't famed for their ability to hang on to things.

The other "high spot" of the day was the collection and removal of an antique mahogany table that was really too big for the two of us and the space would be more valuable.  The man and his Dad arrived  to collect it, in the pouring rain.  We tried taking it through the kitchen as that door is nearest the road.  No chance.  That was probably something to do with the fact that since it came into the house PVC doors have been fitted, a breakfast bar erected and a washing machine installed.

So into reverse and try the front door.  Phew! It fitted.  Next was the carry, still in the pouring rain along the lane to the road.  Where the flat back (with a good canvas cover) was brought round.  I don't know if the polyethene we put over it did any good but eventually it was loaded and off they went.  We returned to the house to assemble the new table.

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