
By Lenore

Back to work

They went to school relatively happily, given it was first day back.

My team were particularly glum this morning, seems they had a bad week last week. Spent most of the day fighting fires from last week. Turns out they do kind of need me - despite always assuring me of how they don't (they are all incredibly capable). My boss has assured me that all leave is cancelled for me, forever, which of course she doesn't mean.

Husband had an ICD check up at a new to him hospital, all fine, battery all good for 5 years,it blows my mind that he has a device hard wired into him that will restart his heart if needed, and has a battery that lasts year, yet has sufficient power to deliver that level of shock. Amazing.

I got out for a walk at lunch time, this was the sky, 10 mins before I went it was raining really hard. But I'll take any sun available! 

Happy boys came home from school. 

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