Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Total EEB!!

Started working on the jobs list at 8am, have just sat down at 8pm, and there are still jobs on the lists to be done (I have multiple lists and am even emailing myself job reminders in the night!). An email and a letter received today have now added two more major jobs to my load. Like yesterday, now that I’ve sat down it’s dawned on me that I haven’t taken any photos today so an EEB of the most amazing chocolate cake that a very kind former pupil of Dad’s brought round for him this afternoon. Would you like a slice?

Big improvement in the weather today, dry and sunny. Though when the Greenthumb man came round to treat the lawn he decided it was far too waterlogged and squelchy to treat after all the recent rain and yesterday’s and last night’s torrential downpour.

Thank you for your kind stars for yesterday’s EB.

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