Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Lexi needs a combing session

I need to spend some time combing Lexi and Alfie as they are both looking a bit unkempt. However, that may need to wait for a few days as I am currently up against deadlines. 

This morning I went to the Royal Infirmary for diabetic eye screening. I don't know how it went, instead I will get a letter in a few days. I expect all will be well as I'm only very mildly diabetic.

The afternoon was taken up with quilting, specifically my log cabin quilt which is quilt as you go in that you sew straight onto the backing fabric and wadding so there will be less to do in the way of making it up when I've done the blocks. It is taking me a long time to do each block and there is no way I will get all 16 blocks done by Saturday, but I'm aiming to do 8 blocks, which will give me two rows which is the minimum. I've now done 5 blocks so I'm over half way and I think 8 by Saturday will be achievable. 

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