Pulling Faces
It was up and out by 7am this morning.
The car started telling us again on Saturday that the management system needed checking (which needs a dealer....).
So it was off to Peebles to see if we could be squeezed in.
Due to all the temporary traffic lights and traffic it took us just over an hour - but 'Yes' - we could be squeezed in.
At 10am - just as we were about to go for a walk - we were handed back the keys to our freshly washed car..
It turned out there was a sensor that was goosed and had to be changed.
As the manager said "I bet you are glad I got you to take out the warranty". Too right ...... £965 is the price for that sensor would normally be.
After lunch we wandered down to the nursery and handed over a pile of Dr Suess books ... and 2 big wooden toys I made 41 years ago for No1 son (one a flat-bed lorry and the bigger one a canvas roofed Land Rover).
We then carried on for a walk and I thought it was about time I re-photographed the faces in a couple of the trees. There is a 3rd one but the light wasn't hitting it to show it off to its best. Maybe another day.
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