Change of scenery
I arrived early evening yesterday to join my wider family at a lodge just north of Ullswater.
My sister had found it and wanted to book a brief get away for a change of scenery for a couple of nights. As it turned out, she had room to spare, so invited my parents and I along too, which we all gratefully accepted.
It was a bit of a broken night’s sleep for one reason or another, so it was a slow start and we all took a little while to come to. They all headed off out mid-morning, which gave me a few hours to myself, so I took a little drive out, read some more of Nick De Semlyen’s Last Action Heroes and did a little more work on a project that is going to take a while to get off the ground…
I also squeezed in a burger lunch at the onsite pub, which looks out over this curious body of water. Following this, I had a nap just before the afternoon of excellent rugby kicked off.
The family all returned mid-afternoon, so after some tea and cake there was some meandering down to the playground and adjoining bar for a chat and chill out.
The rest of the day was spent just hanging out together, playing, reading and chatting.
Feeling very chilled out and relaxed.
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