I felt really ill in the night. Check temperature and all my other readings... everything is normal... so I concluded it was my body having a delayed extra stress thing on all the cancelled appointments and postponed appointments and changes of time even in the morning of the op. Couldn't get back to sleep. I still decided to look at the recent wildlife SD cards to just before the hole appeared on my inside doorstep. No sign of any rat or mouse. So they definitely didn't come in from my back garden itself. They would've had to creep against the wall along the far side passage, and come in under the back doorstep. The trail camera would not have picked up a little beastie right beside the wall. Now I know their entry point I need to put peppermint and rosemary, et cetera all along that far side passage. But it is too early to plant seeds so I'll have to see if I can find some plants at the garden centre.
In the passage where the cat flap is, the trail camera captures the dividing wall and the bungalow wall as well. There is never any rats or mice in that passage. Maybe two reasons. One is a couple of stay cats sleep in that passage. The other is I have loads of peppermint down that passage. The mint went completely mad in growing. And that is why my thought is to plant rosemary and mint down the other passage.
I got rid of the bird feeders a few months ago, once I noticed the rat/mouse using them.
But what I also noticed was the new badger family, Thor and Willow, and the new fox, Finn, are now visiting very frequently during the night. I now have enough footage in one night to make a video instead of having to look through hundreds of video clips to make one video. I don't know what the attraction is in my garden, but they are doing a lot of digging for worms and grubs. And I do supply water.
So, expect a new wildlife video soon....
Here is my creative offering for today.... some trees with a back pen and water mister which turns the Inkwork purple.
Have your best kind of day...
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